方式一:Customer deposit / retail deposit 零售存款
零售存款指一般居民活期或者定期存款,包括checking accounts(支票帳戶), money market mutual funds(貨幣基金)。
Checking account: provide transactions service, immediate availability of funds, no interest.
Money market mutual fund: less liquidity, less transaction service, pay periodic interest.
方式二:Certificate of Deposit(CDs)定期存單
Negotiable CDs:可轉讓定期存單。
Nonnegotiable CDs:不可轉讓定期存單。
方式三:Central bank funds market中央銀行資金市場
banks may buy or sell excess reserves deposited with their central bank 銀行可將自己的額準備金借給其他銀行。
Central bank funds rates中央銀行資金市場中的借貸利率。
Central bank funds rates in the United States 叫做Fed funds rate。
方式四:Interbank funds 銀行間市場
banks make unsecured loans to one another for periods up to a year 銀行間無抵押借貸市場期限*長為一年。
方式五: Repurchase agreement