
How many of the following statements regarding wrong-way risk and right way risk are correct?



●Co-movement in risk exposure and default probability producing a decline in overall risk is an example of wrong-way risk.

●Co-movement in risk exposure and default probability producing an increase in overall counterparty risk is an example of right-way risk.

●Co-movement in risk exposure and default probability producing neither a decline nor an increase in the overall counterparty risk is an example of wrong-way risk.

●Co-movement in risk exposure and default probability producing a decline in risk exposure but an increase in counterparty default probability is an example of right-way risk.

A) None

B) All

C) Two

D) Three


解析:Adecline in overall counterparty risk is an example of right-way risk.An increase in overall counterparty risk is an example of wrong-way risk.An increase in overall counterparty risk is a condition for the emergence of wrong-way risk. A decline in risk exposure but increase in counterparty default probability may or may not lower overall counterparty risk.

Arisk manager needs a quick calculation of the BCVAon a swap. Assume inputs are as follows: EPE = 5%, ENE = 3%, counterparty credit spread = 300bps, financial institution credit spread = 200 bps. Compute BCVAfrom the perspective of the financial institution.掃碼參與

A) -1

B) 1

C) 9

D) -9


解析:From the perspective of the financial institution:

EPE×counterparty credit spread–ENE×institution credit spread=5%×300–3%×200 = 9 bps

This is what the financial institution may charge the counterparty for overall counterparty risk.
