
Central Counterparties (CCPs):>>>點(diǎn)擊領(lǐng)取2021年FRM備考資料大禮包(戳我免·費(fèi)領(lǐng)取)

When trades are centrally cleared, a CCP becomesthe seller to a buyer and the buyer to a seller.Advantages of CCPs: loss mutualization, legal and operational efficiency, liquidity, standardized documentation, and increased transparency. Disadvantages of CCPs: moral hazard, adverse selection, procyclicality, and credit risk. Risks faced by CCPs: default risk, model risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, legal risk, and investment risk. Default of a clearing member and its flow through effects is the most significant risk for a CCP.

Hedge Fund Strategies:

Long/short equity:go long and short similar securities to exploit mispricings—decreases market

risk and generates alpha.

Dedicated short:find company that is overvalued and then short sell the stock.

Distressed debt:purchase bonds of distressed company with the potential to turn things around.

Merger arbitrage: involves purchasing shares in a target firm and selling short shares in the purchasing firm.

Convertible arbitrage: investor purchases a convertible bond and sells short the underlying stock.掃碼咨詢

Fixed-income arbitrage: long/short strategy that looks for pricing inefficiencies between various fixed-income securities.

Emerging marker:invests in developing countries’ securities and/or sovereign debt.

Global macro: makes leveraged bets on anticipated price movements in broad equity and fixed-income markets, interest rates, foreign exchange, and commodities.

Managed futures: focuses on investments in commodity futures. Employs a high degree of leverage. 【資料下載】點(diǎn)擊下載融躍教育FRM考試公式表
