

Which behavior does asset payoffs and “bad times” events would most likely perform?》》》2021年新版FRM一二級內(nèi)部資料免 費領(lǐng)?。 揪A版】

A) The expected payoff of an asset in bad times is unrelated to the asset’s expected return, because arbitrageurs eliminate any expected return potential.

B) The expected payoff of an asset in bad times is unrelated to the asset’s expected return, because it depends on investor preferences.

C) The higher the expected payoff of an asset in bad times, the higher the asset’s expected return. 》》》FRM免費試聽課點我咨詢

D) The higher the expected payoff of an asset in bad times, the lower the asset’s expected return


解析:The higher the expected payoff of an asset in bad times, the lower the assets expected return. Assets that have a positive payoff in bad times are valuable to hold, leading to high prices and, therefore, low expected returns.【資料下載】[融躍財經(jīng)]FRM一級ya題-pdf版

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