
ABS asset-backed securities 資產(chǎn)支持證券

Al accrued interest 應(yīng)計利息

AM arithmetic mean 算術(shù)平均(數(shù))

ANOVA analysis of variance 方差分析

APT arbitrage pricing theory 套利定價理論

ARCH autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity 自回歸條件異方差



ARMA autoregressive moving-average model 自回歸移動平均模型

BEY bond-equivalent yield 債券等值收益率

CAL capital allocation line 資本配置線

CAPM capital asset pricing model 資本資產(chǎn)定價模型

CAR credit at risk 信用風(fēng)險

CBO collateralized bond obligation 資產(chǎn)抵押債券

CTD cheapest to deliver zui便宜可交割(債券)

EAR effective annual rate 實際年利率》》》現(xiàn)階段報名參加FRM小白訓(xùn)練營價值598課程免費領(lǐng)

EAY effective annual yield 實際年收益率

EWMA exponentially weighted moving average 指數(shù)加權(quán)移動平均

GM geometric mean 幾何平均數(shù)

IO interest only 利息剝離(證券)


IRR internal rate of return 內(nèi)部收益率

LBO initial public offering 首 次公開發(fā)行

MAD mean absolute deviation 平均絕 對離差

OLS ordinary least squares zui小二乘法

SPE special purpose entity 特殊目的實體

SPV special purpose vehicle 特殊目的機構(gòu)

SSE sum of squared error 誤差平方和

STRIPS separately traded registered interest and principal security 本息分離證券

VAR value at risk 風(fēng)險價值

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