

The CEO of a regional bank understands that failing to anticipate cash flow needs is one of the most serious errors that a firm can make and demands that a good liquidity-at-risk (LaR) measurement system be an essential part of the bank’s risk management framework. Which of the following statements concerning LaR is correct?》》》點(diǎn)我咨詢FRM金融英語詞匯手冊

A) Reducing the basis risk through hedging decreases LaR.

B) Hedging using futures has the same impact on LaR as hedging using long option positions.

C) For a hedged portfolio, the LaR can differ significantly from the VaR.

D) Afirm’s LaR tends to decrease as its credit quality declines.


解析:The LaR can differ substantially from the VaR in a hedged portfolio, and in different situations can be larger or smaller than the VaR. For example, consider a portfolio where futures contracts are used to hedge.

While the hedge can reduce the VaR of the portfolio, the LaR can be larger than the VaR as the futures contracts create an exposure to margin calls and the potential for cash outflows. Alternatively, in situations where the hedging instruments do not result in potential cash outflows over the measurement period (e.g., a portfolio of European options which do not expire during the period), the LaR can be smaller than the VaR.
