
Becoming a certified Financial Risk Manager involves a serious commitment in time and energy, a key reason FRMs are so valued by companies.

After achieving a passing score on both parts of the FRM Exam, candidates must complete a minimum of two years of full-time work experience in finance or a related field to complete their certification. Related work experience may include trading, portfolio management, academia, industry research, auditing, risk consulting, or risk technology. Candidates with questions about work experience qualifications can contact memberservices@garp.com. 【資料下載】點(diǎn)擊下載融躍教育FRM考試公式表

Once certified, GARP strongly recommends that FRMs keep their skills and knowledge up to date by participating in the Association’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program. The program offers FRMs a framework to help stay ahead of the curve through ongoing education. GARP encourages participants to earn 40 credit hours every two years to maintain the integrity of their certification. Although participation in CPD is voluntary, it is considered a best practice for FRMs to participate in the program throughout their career.



